9 ways to distribute your buyer enablement tool

Buyer enablement tools are calculators, diagnostics, benchmarks and recommenders that guide buyers through their own buying jobs-to-be-done on the journey to signing a contract.

Where companies have invested in building a tool, often they are left to rot as a link in the footer of the website - a wasted opportunity to create and drive pipeline.

Here are nine ways you can supercharge your buyer enablement tool and put it in front of your buyers.

Marketing outreach

Your marketing team will be running outbound campaigns - via email, social, Account Based Marketing programs, webinars.

Buyer enablement tools make a fantastic interactive tool that provides value to your buyer when they engage with it.

Build campaigns focused on specific customer segments and personas and guide them through how to use the tool and the value they will get for their day job.

SDR outreach

Your SDRs are your most junior sellers - and although you’ll have trained them on your product and your sales process, they lack the business acumen and knowledge of your most experienced solution architects, sales engineers and customer success managers.

Enable your SDRs on how to use your buyer enablement tool in their outreach - its like putting your best Solution Architect in their pocket.

Instead of your SDR outreach being an ask “Can you give 15 minutes for a call?”

It becomes a give “Other HR Directors have found this tool helps them understand their current business better”

AE discovery and opportunity development

Buyers complain that sellers don’t have enough business acumen and that they aren’t able to teach them something they didn’t know.

Enable your sellers on how to consult and advise your buyers using the output of your enablement tool.

Tip: develop a template in your Digital Sales Room that provides the guidance and recommendations and how to use the report. Once a buyer completes the assessment it is simple for your AE to load up the personalised report and share the DSR with your buyer - providing multi-format videos and checklists to help take the conversation forward.

Solution Architect reports

Your buyer enablement tool should follow similar questioning and recommendations to that of your best solution architects, project managers and customer success architects.

Listen back to the call recordings and populate the tool on the customer’s behalf, generating a well-designed personalised recommendation report for your customer.

Professional consulting deliverables that they would normally expect to pay for.

Multi-thread with group or 360 reports

Most buyer enablement tools are single player (one person provides the inputs and receives the report).

Group or 360 reports aggregate the inputs from multiple people at your buyer, giving them insight they would find difficult to gain themselves.

Imagine a report gathering the main employee onboarding challenges across different business units?

Let your buyer do the promotion and shine a light on the rest of the buying group.

Enable your partners with co-branded reports

Super-size the scale of your sales team by giving your partner salespeople a tool that helps drive joint pipeline.

Work with your partner to revise your assessment questions to reflect your combined value proposition.

Co-brand the tool and enable your partner’s sellers on how to use it to drive their own pipeline.

Partnership is about giving value not asking for leads.

Field events and trade shows

Say goodbye to the boring click through demo when someone asks “so what do you do?” at the booth.

Use your assessment in kiosk mode to guide booth visitors through your tool.

They will receive immediate value in their inbox for when they get home, and your SDRs can have a more compelling follow up call the next day that has real context.

Enable your customers

Customer referrals covert faster, buy more and churn less - and yet very few companies run a strategic customer referral program.

Build a tool that would have helped your customer at the start of their process and guide them through how to share in the private online and offline networks they are part of.

Tip: dial down the branding on your tool so your customer feels more comfortable sharing it as an independent resource

CSMs for deal expansion and renewal

Buyer enablement is for more than new business - your CSMs can use tools to add value in their QBRs and renewal discussions.

Create recommenders and diagnostics to help other divisions and functions to understand how their team could benefit from adding your product or service.

Combine with an aggregated report to show the achieved outcomes from the current usage of your product.

In short: go multi-channel with your buyer enablement tools

There are nine different channels for you to distribute your buyer enablement tools through.

Together these take your best people’s business acumen and advice and put it in front of your prospects, customers and partners to help them with their own buying jobs-to-be-done.

If you are just getting started with buyer enablement - why not take the buyer enablement assessment and get advice on where the best opportunities to drive pipeline are in your business.

Get started

Whenever you are ready, there are three ways that I can help you accelerate your revenue.

  1. Buyer Enablement Assessment - Answer nine questions in five minutes and receive your free personalised report to help you SDRs and AEs generate pipeline.

  2. Revenue 360 Assessments - inspire and lead your revenue teams with revenue specific 360 reports designed for marketing, sales and customer success teams.

  3. Buyer Enablement Platform - We’ll design, build and manage your buyer enablement platform on your behalf - generating quality pipeline in under 90 days.


What questions should I ask my solution architect to help design my buyer enablement tool?


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