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AI Charlie Cowan AI Charlie Cowan

Executive ownership of your AI strategy

AI usecases appear across your organisation and this graphic will help you think through which of your senior executives are aligned to the most game-changing opportunities you have in front of you.

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AI Charlie Cowan AI Charlie Cowan

How to embed AI in your company - Holiday Extras

At the recent AI Summit the team from Holiday Extras won AI Implementor of the Year and walked us through their change management process. Here are the five problems they faced and how they approached them.

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Events Charlie Cowan Events Charlie Cowan

7 takeaways from the AI Summit London

AI Summit London featured speakers from Barclays, HSBC, Ocado, NVIDIA, OpenAI and from governments and regulators.

AI presents an opportunity for companies to completely reinvent themselves - here are my key takeaways from the event.

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Sales Charlie Cowan Sales Charlie Cowan

Inbound, outbound and now inbound-led outbound?

Its too easy to fall into an internally-focused view of our prospecting channels. Inbound, outbound, nearbound, inbound-led outbound….

If we put our customer at the centre of the process we look at things in a very different way and start to align our efforts.

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Buyer Enablement Charlie Cowan Buyer Enablement Charlie Cowan

How to build and use B2B buyer personas

Companies don’t buy products, people do - and having a deep understanding of the world of each of the buyer personas that buy, use or support your product is the first step in designing personalised value propositions and messaging for them.

In this article you’ll get find a template to use as well as guidance on how RevOpsCharlieGPT can help you!

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Strategy Charlie Cowan Strategy Charlie Cowan

ICP Summary Template from ICONIQ

Ensuring your go-to-market teams are clear on your definition of what makes an ideal customer (and what makes a very poor customer) is the foundation of a clean pipeline, higher close rates, and expansion and renewal opportunities.

Here’s a simple table to map out your ideal customer profile.

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Strategy Charlie Cowan Strategy Charlie Cowan

7 Powers - Hamilton Helmer - Book Summary

Hamilton Helmer introduces the seven powers that allow companies to drive sustainable differentiated returns in comparison to their peers. In this article I summarise the seven powers and share Hamilton’s recommendation on which powers to focus on.

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AI Charlie Cowan AI Charlie Cowan

AI Opportunities for Chief Revenue Officers

The revenue function is ripe for disruption and the CROs that take a longer term view will set their companies up for success in the new world.

In this article we walk through the four quadrants of Gartner’s AI Opportunity Radar looking at use cases that can provide game-changing returns.

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AI Charlie Cowan AI Charlie Cowan

Game Changing AI Use Cases for Go-To-Market

AI is a top priority for CEOs as they seek to grow revenues, increase margins and minimise risks.

Learn how Gartner guides their clients through the AI Opportunity Radar and Use Case Prisms to find and prioritise high value AI use cases.

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Sales Charlie Cowan Sales Charlie Cowan

Give your SDRs a grand slam offer to give to buyers

What is the value that your SDRs are taking out to their prospects in their outreach? A webinar or product datasheet is not a valuable offer.

In this article we’ll look at what makes a valuable offer and how to arm your SDRs with something that buyers would feel stupid to say no to.

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Sales Charlie Cowan Sales Charlie Cowan

Two customer-centric book recommendations

Two recently published books for RevOps leaders to get their heads into.

Both books highlight the need to focus on your customer’s experience as they travel through your go-to-market teams, systems and processes.

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Leadership Charlie Cowan Leadership Charlie Cowan

What is the job of a VP of Revenue Operations?

The VP or Head of Revenue Operations is one of the fastest growing jobs, and yet it is still poorly defined.

In this article you’ll learn about the main aspects of the role, as well as the goals and aspirations for a VP of RevOps and the main challenges holding them back.

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