Introducing the RevOps Maturity Model and Assessment

My work with founders focuses on improving their condition with respect to generating predictable, repeatable and consistent revenue as they scale their companies towards the next round of funding.

I do this under the banner of Revenue Operations - covering all aspects of your marketing, sales and customer success functions as they align in one united revenue generating machine.

For many founders that have come from an engineering or product background the scale of the revenue job in front of them can be overwhelming, and it can be difficult to know where to focus your effort for the biggest wins.

To make things even more challenging, many RevOps professionals that you hire will come from an ops background and focus mainly on the internal aspects of optimising the revenue engine - the processes, the systems and the data,

When for me the biggest win in a RevOps model is aligning your external capabilities across functions - improving your buyer’s experience as they travel through their buying process.

To take the engine analogy further - driving consistent demand in the form of quality pipeline is the fuel that keeps the engine running, whereas the internal operations are the oil that makes it hum.

You can survive without oil for a good while, but run out of fuel and you are at a standstill immediately.

RevOpsCharlie - Revenue Engine

Introducing the RevOps Maturity Model

This week I published the RevOps Maturity Model that I use with clients to assess their capabilities across 22 dimensions - 11 external and 11 internal as we travel around the Revenue Acceleration Flywheel

Starting on the left and travelling clockwise we work around the buyer’s experience as they initially find out about your company and products, through their buying experience with your SDRs and AEs, onto onboarding and through your CSMs, and onto renewal and (hopefully not) churn.

Now we travel into the bottom half of the flywheel through your internal revenue strategy and org structure, your systems, processes and data as we ensure you have the right capabilities to deliver the external experience.

The RevOps Maturity Model describes three levels of maturity for each of the 22 capabilities:

The RevOps Maturity Model

Beginner: you are at the start of your RevOps journey but have the opportunity to define this capability correctly and add value to your team immediately.

Builder: you are on the road to building this capability but have a way to go to achieve the full value.

Advanced: you have implemented the capability to an advanced level and are experiencing the benefits.

Take the RevOps Maturity Assessment

Complementing the Maturity Model is the RevOps Maturity Assessment that walks you through each of the 22 capabilities and asks you to rate yourself against 66 statements.

Each of the statements addresses an area of the capabilities giving you insight into what is required for a fully integrated RevOps strategy.

At the end of the assessment, which will take you around 15 minutes to complete, you’ll be provided with a grade - Beginner, Builder or Advanced along with some specific advice for that stage of your progress.

Who should take the RevOps Maturity Assessment?

The assessment is single player so here are three ways you might use it:

The founder or revenue leader completes it solo

As the individual with revenue responsibility you complete it yourself using your view of the world.

You use the output to guide discussions with your leadership team.

The advantage of this approach is that you can be honest with yourself without being influenced by others on your leadership team who will defend their efforts so far.

The leadership team complete it together during an in-person meeting

This is my favourite as it invites discussion and collaboration across your leadership team as you debate each capability.

As a leader you will derive huge insight into how closely your functional leaders are aligned and the true status of the answers they provide.

Each leader submits their own response and compare notes

An alternative to avoid bias and the HiPPO (Highest Paid Person’s Opinion) is to ask each of your leadership team to complete it individually and then synthesise and analyse the results.

You may find that marketing’s opinion of the quality of your owned content is very different to sales and customer success’s opinion!

What will I learn from the RevOps Maturity Assessment?

The Maturity Assessment helps founders in two ways:

It increases your awareness of the full scope of RevOps.

You’ll see that RevOps is way more than providing you with spreadsheets and updating a picklist in HubSpot.

RevOps is a strategic role that will help you drive predictable revenue as you scale towards your next round of funding.

It will guide your discussions with your functional leaders across marketing, sales, customer success.

Instead of allowing silos to creep in you will have an overall picture of the revenue engine and can bring your leaders together in determining the best opportunities for growth.

It will prioritise your activities this quarter.

The assessment will shine a light on the areas of biggest opportunity for you. For example, in the dark funnel you might uncover that your team does not have a clear understanding of the private communities that your target personas hang out in.

This is an easy thing to fix and has a big impact - it can easily become a team OKR for this quarter.

Completing the maturity assessment on a quarterly basis allows you to assess progress and reprioritise your focus.

Get started with the RevOps Maturity Assessment

Starting the Maturity Assessment is simple - it requires no account or fee. Just direct your team to the page linked below and they can start completing it.

If you’d like to amalgamate multiple results into a single report just let me know the domain name and we can arrange a personalised readout for your company.

Good luck, enjoy and I trust you’ll learn something new about where to improve your revenue growth with the quickest impact.

Here is a short video giving you an introduction to the assessment.

Get started

Whenever you are ready, there are three ways that I can help you accelerate your revenue.

  1. RevOps Maturity Assessment - Take my free 22 question assessment and receive specific suggestions on how to improve your revenue growth.

  2. Business Model Design Workshops - I’ll work with you and your team to design or refine a business model for a new or existing product.

  3. RevOps Impact Playbooks - I’ll help you implement one or more tactical processes across your revenue teams - content, referrals, testimonials, adoption and more.


Where should you start on the Revenue Acceleration Flywheel?


Start small when selling capacity and watch revenue grow