Two CEOs enabling buyers on LinkedIn

Executives listen to executives, and when buyers are researching the problems facing their business they look to the leaders of vendors to see what they have to say about the space.

Two examples of CEOs delivering on LinkedIn today are Andy Byrne from Clari - a revenue intelligence platform, and Nick Mehta from Gainsight - a customer success platform.

Check out this recent post from Andy Byrne.

He’s sharing his personal perspective from discussions he is having with CFOs - peers to their target economic buyer.

Check out the engagement on that post - 812 likes, 57 comments and 21 reposts.

Most corporate blogs would dream of stats like that.

Now look at this post from Nick Mehta at Gainsight.

Again he is talking the language of his economic buyer - the VP of Customer Success.

70 likes and he’s providing actionable advice that demonstrates he understands the world Gainsight’s buyer lives in.

Both of these CEOs are leading from the front and living the problem the company was founded to solve. They show that if you were to become a customer of either of these companies, the CEO understands the problem acutely.

But I don’t have time

CEOs can be active on social themselves, or they can have a ghost writer do the manual work.

The real effort goes into the thinking - having a point of view, and if the CEO doesn’t have a point of view there is a bigger issue at play.

You aren’t looking to write a blog post of 1000 words that has to go through four weeks of revisions and sign off by the media team,

Just share what you are hearing from the economic buyers you speak to - you have information that no-one else has.

Get started

Whenever you are ready, there are two ways that I can help you with your RevOps tech stack.

  1. Buyer Experience Audit - I’ll impersonate a buyer researching your segment and company and let you know what I find. Ideal for planning your RevOps strategy.

  2. RevOps Impact Playbooks - I’ll help you implement one or more tactical processes across your revenue teams - content, referrals, testimonials, adoption and more.


How to build a diagnostic tool to help buyers identify a problem.


How Snowflake use their leaders to enable their buyers