The 1-Page Marketing Plan

Allan Dib

Allan Dib writes an easy to read but value packed book that is ideal for anyone looking to get a fast start in the basics of marketing.

For those outside the world of marketing it can often seem challenging to understand what the role entails and the complexity of different terminology and reporting metrics.

Allan breaks it down into three simple sections defined by your relationship with your customers:

The Before Phase

Before you engage with your customers you need to identify who your target customer are, craft a message that will resonate with them, and get that message in front of them somehow.

The During Phase

Having put your message in front of your target customers you now need to capture those leads, nurture them until they are in a buying process and then help convert them into sales.

The After Phase

Once they have become customers you need to deliver on that promise you made in the Before and During phases by delivering a world class experience, that results in extending the lifetime value of those customers and stimulating referrals to begin the cycle again.

Marketing can’t be that simple can it?

Allan says yes!


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