The Go To Market Handbook

for B2B SaaS Leaders

Richard Blundell, Paul Watson and Chris Tottman

The three authors of this excellent workbook have been there and got the medals - working alongside each other across a series of businesses for over 20 years.

This practical guide walks founders through ten ‘workbooks’ as they help you find, or rediscover, a select group of customers to which you can deliver meaningful value to.

The 10 workbooks are:

  1. Reconfirming your value proposition internally

  2. Testing your thesis

  3. Defining your ideal customer

  4. Building the market map

  5. Sharpening up your product messaging

  6. Creating demand for you software

  7. When and how should you hire a sales team

  8. Selling your software

  9. How to price and package your software

  10. Building a great investor proposition

Each workbook is packed with practical advice, workshop suggestions and templates.

If you are preparing to launch a SaaS business, or an established company looking to launch a new product - this is essential reading delivered in an engaging and entertaining format.


Revenue Operations Maturity Workbook


Customer-Led Growth