Revenue Operations

Maturity Workbook

Charlie Cowan

Ideal for founders and revenue leaders of Series A technology and SaaS companies, the Revenue Operations Maturity Workbook guides you through 22 capabilities that drive predictable, repeatable and consistent revenue.

In the workbook you will be guided through:

The 11 external capabilities

  • Dark Funnel

  • Owned Content

  • Buying Experience

  • Channels

  • Contracting

  • Onboarding

  • Adoption

  • Testimonials

  • Referrals

  • Upsell/Cross-Sell

  • Renewal/Churn

The 11 internal capabilities

  • Revenue Strategy

  • Org Structure

  • Systems

  • Enablement

  • Processes

  • Product and Pricing

  • Data

  • Compensation Scheme

  • Deal Desk

  • Forecasting

  • Reporting

For each capability you will be provided with worksheets to assess your business against three statement that define that capability.

66 worksheets in total.

Ideal for:

  • Series A founders

  • Series B founders

  • CROs

  • VP Sales

  • CMOs and Marketing Directors

  • VPs of Customer Success

  • Early Stage Venture Capital Firms


Revenue Operations Playbook


The Go To Market Handbook