Revenue Operations

Stephen G. Diorio and Chris K. Hummel

Revenue Operations is your definitive starting point for understanding the world of Revenue Operations.

The authors have used their own extensive knowledge combined with interviews with operators and academics to lay our their definition of Revenue Operations as a strategic function - critical to the successful and sustainable growth of revenues.

In the book the authors define two systems:

The Revenue Operations Management System is the strategic set up of your function, including your leadership structure, your go to market architecture, channels and products.

Having architected your Go-To-Market function, the authors then define a 9-step Revenue Operations Operating System that incorporates your more tactical processes that allow you to iterate and improve on your revenue engine.

The book is suitable for CEOs and revenue leaders looking to understand how to ensure Revenue Operations is a strategic externally facing function and not limited to internal data and systems.

It is also useful for future or current RevOps leaders wanting to evolve into a more strategic role.

The book is fairly academic, in that it educates you on the broad topic of Revenue Operations, but does leave you with more questions of how to implement the ideas the authors recommend.

I definitely recommend it as a starting point, and as a continual reference point on your desk - I know it is for me!


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