ICONIQ GTM Reporting Guide

ICONIQ just published their Go-To-Market Reporting Guide - a background to the key metrics and frameworks for GTM organisations to track internally, and for reporting and discussion with their investors.

Its the next stage in their fantastic Go-To-Market series which I’ve covered before on the RevOpsCharlie blog.

Over 50 pages they provide one of the most comprehensive overviews of SaaS metrics and I highly recommend it as a print out and keep document, but I’ll pull out a couple of items I find really useful.

The Metric Map

The authors suggest that before you start thinking about individual datapoints and how to track them, consider the different audiences for your data.

They look across two dimensions:

Internal to external: your senior leadership need to look different sets of data to your team or external stakeholders

Regularity of reporting: some datapoints are day by day, others on a quarterly or even annual cycle

The GTM Scorecard

You can get buried in metrics if you aren’t careful. ICONIQ suggest a simple scorecard, showing the key GTM metrics over the previous and upcoming quarters to help orientate your team and your investors.

Ending ARR - what was the Annual Recurring Revenue at the end of the period in question?

Net New ARR - what was the difference in ending ARR between the end of this period and the end of the period before?

YoY ARR Growth - what was the percentage increase in ending ARR between this period and the same period one year ago?

Net Dollar Retention - for the set of customers we had one year ago, what percentage of last year’s ARR do they spend today (including upsell/cross-sell)?

Net Magic Number - for the net new ARR in this period, how much did we spend on Sales and Marketing in the previous period?

Net New ARR per S&M FTE - are growing efficiently? How much ARR did we add this period for each of of sales and marketing heads?

LTV:CAC ratio - are we winning good customers efficiently? How much revenue do we make compared to the cost of acquiring a customer?

GTM Metrics

The report then goes on to provide you with a detailed breakdown of all of the supplementary metrics that support each area of the GTM engine.

GTM Board Meeting Template

And finally, a bonus that you link out to from the report, ICONIQ provide a board meeting template that shows you how each of these metrics can be displayed to develop a compelling story for your investors and board members.

Grab the report now, bookmark it, print it, share it.

Essential reading for anyone in a SaaS leadership, revenue leadership or RevOps role.

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