Three buyer enablement ideas to borrow from retail

I was out shopping this weekend and noticed three ways that the retailers were thinking from their buyer’s perspective and helping them to buy.

In tech as we think about Product Led Growth and Buyer Enablement we can learn from these simple ideas.

Nike putting a ‘squeeze me’ sticker on their sliders.

By encouraging buyers to pick up and feel the product it helps the buyer imagine what they’d feel like to wear.

Once they are in your hand you are already closer to making a purchase decision than for the other 50 pairs of sliders on the rack.

These stickers aren’t on here for fun.

Someone has worked out that the cost of creating them and placing them on the product drives incremental sales.

Charge your phone for free

This retailer understands that for their target market (teens and young adults) running out of power is up there with public speaking and death as a top fear.

By offering to charge their phones for free it gets people into the store and encourages them to hang around while they wait.

RevOpsCharlie Buyer Enablement Phone Charging

Self service checkout

In this really neat set up you place all your shopping in a ‘box’ that automatically calculates the price from the tags, and then the kids do the job of taking off the security tags.

This process was quicker and more fun than having a shop assistant scan them one by one

There was a queue for self service even with no queue at the staffed tills - people love self serve.

RevOpsCharlie Buyer Enablement Self Service

In your B2B business,

What is your ‘squeeze to feel’? Easy access demo videos?

What is your free phone charging? Diagnostics and calculators?

What is your self service? Free access PLG onboarding?

Take time to think about the world your buyer is living and consider how you can improve their situation.

Help them, and then they’ll help you.

Get started

Whenever you are ready, there are two ways that I can help you accelerate your revenue growth.

  1. Buyer Experience Audit - I’ll impersonate a buyer researching your segment and company and let you know what I find. Ideal for planning your RevOps strategy.

  2. RevOps Impact Playbooks - I’ll help you implement one or more tactical processes across your revenue teams - content, referrals, testimonials, adoption and more.


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