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Data Charlie Cowan Data Charlie Cowan

ICONIQ GTM Reporting Guide

ICONIQ’s Go-To-Market Reporting Guide provides deep dive advice for founders, revenue leaders and RevOps professionals covering the key metrics, reports and trends to share with your leadership , your team and your board.

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Marketing Charlie Cowan Marketing Charlie Cowan

Why siloed GTM teams create bad campaigns

Ever had your marketing team launch a new campaign only for your sellers to look across at each other in dismay?

Great marketing teams embed themselves with customers via their sales and customer success teams to really understand the customer’s world.

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Sales Charlie Cowan Sales Charlie Cowan

What makes a great sales playbook?

A sales playbook is a series of repeatable steps that gives you the best chance of a positive outcome,

So says Matt Rosenberg or Grammarly in this week’s 20Sales interview.

I dive into playbooks in more detail and guide you on how to build your own.

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